
At University of Southern California

I mainly teach advanced classes in political institutions , POSC360: Comparative Political Institutions and POSC469: Electoral Institutions and Reforms.

Comparative Political Institutions

This class focuses on institutions and processes of advanced industrial societies; political culture, interest articulation and aggregation, and the governmental process. This course takes students through the design, maintenance, and reform of political institutions in contemporary democracies, from legislatures and bureaucracies, to simple behavioral norms. Political institutions influence the behavior of voters and politicians, and ultimately the policy outcomes we observe. By the end of the semester, students will understand the importance of institutional design in shaping political and social outcomes, but also its limitations.

Electoral Institutions and Reforms

Would America's polarization and intense partisanship be alleviated if we reformed its electoral institutions? Under what circumstances do other countries change institutions? And what differences in politics and policies do we expect to observe if electoral institutions are altered? This seminar introduces students to the field of comparative electoral systems to help them answer these important questions. The course consists of three parts: the first gives students a broad introduction to the field of formal political institutions and the unique challenges we encounter when we study a phenomenon theorized as both a cause and consequence. The second covers various theories of electoral system choice, demonstrating the rich, ongoing debate on the topic. The last section introduces students to the various consequences of electoral system choice, such as polarization and economic inequality.

At New York University

The NYU Politics Department awarded me the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award for my work teaching introductory level political science classes. I was also the department's nominee for the 2021 university-wide Outstanding Teaching Award.

Introduction to Comparative Politics
with Prof. Joshua Tucker (Fall 2018)
with Prof. Joshua Tucker (Fall 2019, Head TA)
with Prof. Joshua Tucker (Fall 2020, Head TA)

This course will introduce students to the study of comparative politics, which is defined as the study of domestic politics anywhere in the world.  As a way of cutting into this vast topic, we specifically focus on the process of democratic transition by analyzing the democratic revolution that has swept the globe during the last forty years. In turn we will explore the causes of democratization, threats to democratization, and factors that may aid in a successful consolidation of democracy. As part of this process, students will be exposed to a wide range of topics in comparative politics, including the politics of economic reform, party systems and voting, theories of ethnic politics, and social media and political protest.

Power and Politics in America
with Prof. Sanford Gordon (Spring 2019)
with Prof. Christopher Dawes (Spring 2020)

This course provides an introduction to national political institutions and behavior in the United States, and introduces students to a variety of analytical concepts and approaches useful for the study of domestic politics. In the first part of the course, we discuss issues foundational to the study of U.S. politics, through an in-depth examination of the political antecedents and political consequences of the 1787 Constitution. Next, we consider political participation and mass behavior: how private individuals and groups seek to influence public policy; the nature of American political culture; the formation of public attitudes; and the electoral connection between politicians and citizens. Finally, we examine the formal and informal institutions of governance in the United States and their implications for the creation of public policy.